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Your query returned 615 results. Here are results 1 to 50:
1985 Topps Usfl Greg Fields #116
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Derrick Crawford #70
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Greg Boone #124
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Dave Browning #91
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Pete Catan #40
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Clarence Collins #79
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Kerry Justin #82
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Monte Bennett #88
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Pete Kugler #16
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Case De Bruijn #1
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Scott Fitzkee #13
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Luis Zendejas #9
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Kiki De Ayala #41
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl John Reaves #130
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Bill Johnson #33
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Kevin Long #5
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Mike Butler #125
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl James Harrell #128
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Brian Franco #52
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl John Corker #69
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Joey Jones #24
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Dave Tipton #7
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Howard Carson #58
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Kevin Nelson #60
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Ruben Vaughan #96
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Leonard Harris #32
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Sam Harell #43
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Ray Pinney #94
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Mike Clark #126
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Willie Collier #11
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Danny Buggs #114
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Marvin Harvey #129
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Freddie Gilbert #81
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Gary Worthy #121
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Zenon Andrusyshyn #123
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Jeff Gossett #106
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Leonard Coleman #68
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Jeff Partridge #61
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Willie Gillespie #127
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Matt Robinson #111
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Robin Earl #23
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Bob Gruber #53
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Gordon Banks #87
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Nick Mike-Mayer #118
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Tyrone McGriff #73
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Tony Zendejas #66
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Dale Walters #48
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Doug Smith #28
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.39

All prices in USD
1995 Fleer Andre Rison #5 OF 6
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 0.99

All prices in USD
1985 Topps Usfl Roger Ruzek #85
Best in the World Breaks
chachi_sports300 (1)
USA, has 10579 cards
$ 1.29

All prices in USD
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